Placer l'humain au coeur de votre Stratégie d'entreprise Chaque semaine, chaque mois, des milliers d’employés s’absentent du travail à cause d’un trouble lié à un facteur psychosocial : stress, dépression, anxiété… Lire la suite FORMEZ VOS COLLABORATEURS POUR LEUR Bien-être au travail Les conflits au travail, les exigences émotionnelles, qu’ils soient relatifs au rôle, à la fonction ou à l’autonomie dans la structure de l’entreprise ou aux valeurs (éthique, image du métier...) détériorent la qualité de vie au travail.
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A propos de Psychologies & Conseils

Chaque semaine, chaque mois, des milliers d’employés s’absentent du travail à cause d’un trouble lié à un facteur psychosocial : stress, dépression, anxiété… Qu’ils soient le résultat de problèmes personnels ou lié au travail, les entreprises subissent inéluctablement les contrecoups de l’absentéisme et du présentéisme et cela se traduit par des pertes considérables, en plus de la baisse de la productivité et du rendement.

Psychologies & Conseils vous fournit :

  • Un Programme d’Appui Psychosocial aux Employés (PAPE) à l’image du PAE (Programme d’Aide aux Employés) canadien qui a fait ses preuves pour prévenir ces problèmes ou apporter les correctifs nécessaires au bien-être de vos employés. 
Ce que nous faisons

Nos services

Nous humanisons l'efficacité

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Contactez-nous maintenant ! ”
+221 77 509 56 37
+221 33 801 68 00



Comprendre vos exigences et vos objectifs est important pour nous.
Nous écoutons et travaillons ensemble pour créer une expérience vraiment unique et inoubliable.
why choose us

We Always Ready For A Challenge

Our goal is to help our customers be satisfied and solve problems when leaving, we are not seeking profits that we want to share, sympathize, help you solve your worries and troubles. This sleek metallic tower stands out from surrounding buildings, and is set to transform.


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Meet Psychologists

We think it’s really important that clinicians have a mixture of clinical skill and human qualities that mean you can place your trust in them.

Our Case Studies

Typical Story

Here are some typical stories that we have helped them

Popular Question

We have answers to common questions people ask

First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.

First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.

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Each one of us wants someone to talk to, we will listen to you with all our heart

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